Hastings - Parrish Knifeworks
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Handles and Sheaths


    Standard handle material include tiger stripe and Birdseye Maple, walnut, and Osage orange. Imported stag horn is standard on some smaller models, but is available on other models at extra cost.

    Linen Micarta is standard on combat styles. Not available on Bowies or Damascus steel blades.

    Brass is standard guard and butt cap material on all but Bowie models. Nickel silver used on request at extra cost.

    Ivory and Ebony are available, but without guarantee, and at extra cost. Materials supplied by the customer may also be used after careful consideration.

    Slab type handles are not used except on a very few other than standard design. This type handle will not be considered on any but custom work. Standard models utilize the “round” or hidden tang, firmly bonded and attached to the handle material.

    Customer comments indicate that the handles of HASTINGS-PARRISH KNIVES are very comfortable and functional. Except where stag horn is used, and in the case of some Bowie models, the user will detect a subtle flat on the sides of the handles. This keeps the knife from turning while in use. The slight drop given to the handle creates a nicely balanced feel which contributes to speed and control.


         Price of each knife includes its own individually fitted sheath, made from 9-11 oz. leather, double hand stitched with waxed linen thread.

         MODEL A - for hunting models, covers the knife from tip to mid-handle, wet molded to tightly grip the hilt and secure the knife.

         MODEL B - a more familiar and traditional type with strap keeper and snap is utilized with combat styles and Bowies.

Hastings - Parrish Knifeworks* 1491 ACR 435 * Frankston, TX * US * 75763